Monday, February 11, 2013

Planted mangosteen and cacao saplings

Planted 3gal mangosteen from Paradise Plants ($40).

Planted two small (12-18") cacao saplings that were sprouted from seed approximately 20120315.

Mangosteen planting method:
Dig hole approximately 24" deep, approximately twice the diameter of the pot the tree came in. Mix a bit of small black cinder and manure (about 1 gal total) and place in bottom of hole. Roll sapling out of container and rest in center of hole atop soft cinder/manure mix. Toss in about 1/2 cup triple 16 fertilizer. Fill rest of hole around roots with manure/cinder mix.
Cut two pieces of weed block cloth about 4 feet long. Cut a slit in each about halfway across at the center (don't cut all the way across the cloth). Slide slit around base of tree, with both pieces so that they overlap.
Place some cinder (about 5 gal) on cloth around tree base to hold cloth down and block light. Create a cylindrical wire cage around the tree using square wire mesh (1" or so) to a height of about 3-4 feet. Stake the cage to the ground using eg a sharpened piece of scrap 1x4. Tie the stake(s) to the cage using scrap wire, twine, or tubing.
After the cage is staked, pour more black cinder around the base of the tree inside the cage: some should leak out of the cage onto excess cloth.
Plant perennial peanut stolons on top of the cinder inside the cylinder.

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