Sunday, June 17, 2012

Peanut mowing, vanilla

Got a little more aggressive with the field mowing and somehow managed to puncture one of the rear tractor tires. After plugging the tire today I was able to get out and mow about 1/4 of the main field (3 hours). Still getting familiar with setting up the tractor and learning its limitations.

It appears that the perennial peanut is responding well to mowing. I noticed that if you mow near sunset, the peanut leaves fold up and "contract" so that they're much less exposed to the mower blades. This leaves the grasses and other weeds more exposed to the blade.

In other news, purchased a couple small vanilla vines from Plant It Hawaii ($9 each).  The plan is to pot them in cinder pots with some 1/2" bamboo supports, and place them under full size trees for the next six months.  This should provide adequate shelter and water.

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